Essential oils from Indonesia by Malang Agro Resources


6 Potential Renewable Energy You Should Know

One day there will come a time when energy sources from petroleum will run out due to scarcity, replaced by renewable energy sources. The scarcity may be due to human factors or natural laws. Moreover, the energy source of petroleum is a non-renewable energy source.

The scarcity of petroleum is due to human factors such as major wars or oil tank fires from petroleum-producing countries. Other petroleum scarcity due to earth activities such as earthquakes or tsunamis affect the availability of conventional energy derived from petroleum.

Therefore, it is time for us to think about renewable energy sources as future energy solutions.

The Primacy of Renewable Energy Sources

The virtue of renewable energy sources is that the products produced are cleaner and do not produce air pollution. And for the production itself will not run out.

Why does that happen because the material elements of the renewable energy source itself come from the surrounding nature which is very abundant.

Renewable Energy Ingredients

Because the constituent materials are very abundant, it is not surprising that this energy source will replace energy sources from petroleum in the future.

The constituent materials are directly available from nature which is very large such as sunlight, geothermal, and inorganic waste to sea water. even to procure the constituent materials this does not require a fee or free.

Meanwhile, sunlight will always be there while there is still sun. Then the amount of river and seawater that is very abundant makes the potential for renewable energy very large. Not to mention that waste from tree branches can be used as a renewable energy source product.

Examples of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources do not deplete natural resources and can be returned in the form of new energy.

On this occasion, Malang Agro will discuss the great potential of renewable energy sources where the constituent materials are widely available.


Sunlight is solar energy or solar energy with a device called a solar panel. Solar panels can absorb the sun and convert it to other energy, namely electrical energy.

There are many companies producing solar panel technology at varying prices. Maybe after this, you are one of the people who are inspired to make solar panels. Because the potential is so great to create electrical energy and heat.

Especially for areas that are difficult to reach by power plants such as rural areas. With the presence of solar panels, it is very helpful for areas that have not been facilitated by electricity by the state. It could be that someday if the world experiences an energy crisis, solar panels will be the savior of human life.

The presence of solar panels is also seen in street lighting in big cities. where during the day, solar panels capture sunlight and release the energy in the form of lighting at night. Now innovators continue to develop solar panels to absorb even more sunlight.


Geothermal is a geothermal device installed near active volcanoes. This geothermal system works by liberating steam from the earth’s heat to be converted into electrical energy and heat.

Meanwhile, countries on the Pacific Ring of Fire such as Indonesia have the potential to develop geothermal. Indonesia, where poor agro is located, has active volcanoes. A very abundant resource to develop one of the renewable energy sources on this one.

Geothermal has been tested as an environmentally friendly renewable energy source. It does not require fuel oil such as gasoline and diesel to operate. So this helps the world to reduce carbon emissions.

Read here: 5 Steps To Reduce Carbon Emissions, There’s Biomass!


Another one, the main ingredient to make Renewable Energy products is Biomass. The energy source produced is more efficient due to its small size. Despite its smaller size, one small piece of biomass can be used to cook a meal.

The organic material that makes up biomass comes from animals or plants. Then the unused vegetable waste is processed in such a way as to produce an environmentally friendly biomass. An oil-replacement fuel.

Who would have thought that corn, rice, and sawdust could be processed into a solid biomass with a lot of energy in it?

Read here: Rice Husk, From Garbage To Energy Source

Sea Water Energy

More than two-thirds of the world is made up of vast areas of ocean. Some even say that only 1 percent of the ocean is understood by humans. Because of the vastness of the oceans, so great is the potential of the oceans to be converted into renewable energy sources.

While the ocean has tides, the tides can be converted into electrical energy using a turbine power plant.

This tool can be installed on the sea that has large waves, such as the west coast facing the Indian Ocean. Thus, turbines driven by these large waves are able to produce electrical energy.

In addition, the waves have a power density that can drive the turbine. So the energy created is energy without carbon emissions.

Water Energy

The gravitational nature of water is that it flows from high to low places. The power of water can drive a turbine. For information, a turbine is a type of rotating machine that converts potential energy such as water into mechanical energy. The function of the turbine is similar to a windmill.

Indonesia, where Malang Agro is located, has the potential to become a leading country in producing renewable energy sources with its huge amount of water. Moreover, the number of water dams in this country is very large. Malang City itself has 5 reservoirs or water dams that are quite potential to become a source of renewable energy.

Wind Energy

The last renewable energy source is windmills. Converting wind into motion energy to electrical energy. Besides being able to be done around the world, the cost of making windmills is cheaper.

The Netherlands is a successful country with this potential energy. Even windmills are also the nickname of the country.


Now you know how big the opportunity is to bring this renewable energy source. Are you interested in using this renewable energy source for your daily energy needs?

Indeed, it is difficult to get used to using this renewable energy source in the midst of the abundance of petroleum. But know that one day we will get here sooner or later.

Therefore, Malang Agro always educates our loyal readers to start using renewable energy sources. Then, we continue to innovate and expand to major countries that are starting to realize the importance of this potential energy. Hopefully, after this, you will start to be interested in using renewable energy with us as your best partner.

Read here: Malang Agro Resources Secures Export Order and Delivers 720 kg of Citronella Oil to South Korea

Malang Agro

Inatropis Essential Oil

Premium Quality Aromatherapy

Jalan Villa Golf Indah 18 Tirtomoyo, Pakis, Malang Regency, East Java 65154, Indonesia

Mobile phone: +62 813 3455 5832

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