Briquettes are alternative fuels and solid renewable fuels that work similarly to firewood. To fulfill our daily fuel needs, we use conventional fuels.
Currently, the world has a problem with the availability of conventional fuels such as gasoline, diesel, and LPG gas. At the same time, conventional energy sources are experiencing volatile price fluctuations due to war and scarcity.
Meanwhile, conventional fuels are non-renewable fossil fuels. So it is time for Indonesia to get serious about producing briquettes as an alternative fuel.
Forms of Briquettes
The shapes of briquettes that we often see are cylindrical, cube-shaped, and hexagonal. Meanwhile, the manufacturing process is cheaper and the raw materials are widely available from nature.
After the manufacturing process, solid briquettes store fuel energy inside. One solid briquette can be burned and can produce a long-lasting fire.
The Safest Fuel
Conventional fuels are expensive and have the risk of explosion or fire. An example is starting a stove from fuel oil or a stove from LPG gas. Both types of stoves have the risk of explosion and fire. Many house fires have been caused by exploding stoves.
Meanwhile, briquettes have the least risk because the fire is more stable and does not explode. The advantage is its small shape and longer burning flame. For cooking, grilling meat, roasting fish and roasting corn, it is easier to use briquettes.
Briquette Raw Materials
Making one briquette is done by pressing or compacting the raw material. This creates alternative fuels that have the power to store energy, calories, and long-lasting combustion.
Elements of solid materials that form briquettes can be, wood, coconut shells, and rice husks. This time, Malang Agro resources will discuss the benefits of briquettes and the process of making them for our loyal readers.
Briquettes from Treewood
Tree wood has long been a fuel for cooking in ancient times. And rural communities still use it today. Meanwhile, agrarian countries like Indonesia have a large availability of tree wood until it becomes waste and environmental waste.
Instead of becoming waste, we should turn tree wood, twigs, and sawdust into briquettes. That way, we can turn tree waste into alternative fuels that have economic value and use as alternative fuels.
Rice Husk Briquettes

Rice husk is a waste from agriculture. Usually, the husk is used as bedding for chicken coops or simply burned.
In fact, rice husk, which is quite abundant in the countryside, has the potential for fuel energy. Instead of being burned into ash, it is better to use it as raw material for making briquettes.
Read here: Rice Husk, From Garbage to Energy Source
Straw Briquette

Straw is also an agricultural waste. The difference is that chaff is the husk of rice while straw comes from the stalk of the plant. It can be rice straw, corn straw, and other plants.
It turns out that straw processed into alternative fuels has the same quality as wood briquettes or rice husk briquettes. In addition, straw can be used as materials for woven crafts such as straw hats.
Coconut Shell Briquette
Coconut trees have the potential to be briquettes from their trunks, leaves, and fruits. Meanwhile, the coconut fruit has an outer structure that can be used as raw material for briquettes.
Peat Briquette
Peat is a wetland made up of organic material from grass, decaying trees, and dead animals. It is all mixed together and becomes a layer of soil.
Peat is essentially waste and has the potential to cause forest fires. Turning peat into raw material for briquettes is a very smart idea. Briquettes have economic value and are environmentally friendly.
Briquettes from Corn Stalks and Leaves

Corn has a hard stalk structure and usually becomes waste or garbage. The dried corncobs should be used as raw material to make alternative fuels that have high economic value.
Agricultural waste can be turned into briquettes or pellets. Both have functioned as alternative fuels. In fact, wood pellets can be the raw material for biomass power plants. It can be both a fuel and a power plant.
Since the manufacturing process is also quite complicated, you can buy them at Malang Agro Resources provides wood pellets, rice husk pellets, and sawdust suppliers.
Malang Agro Resources
PT Malang Agro Resources
Jalan Villa Golf Indah 18 Tirtomoyo,
Pakis, Malang Regency, East Java
65154, Indonesia
Phone Number : +6281334555832