Essential oils from Indonesia by Malang Agro Resources


Essential Oil Room Spray Recipe : Benefits and Best Ways to Make it

Essential Oil Room Spray Recipe – Essential oils are one of the most useful oils around the world and can even be used as a room fragrance, maintain mental health, a booster of good mood, relieve fatigue, overcome insomnia, and relieve headaches. By utilizing the benefits of essential oils, you can create a toxic-free and fragrant home. You can even make room spray by utilizing the aroma of essential oils to scent the entire room.

For those of you who want to give the room fragrance with your favorite essential oil aroma. You can immediately make a homemade deodorizing spray with essential oils. Here is a brief review of the benefits and easy procedures for making essential oil room spray recipes at your home!

Benefits of Homemade Fragrance Spray with Essential Oils

Essential Oil Room Spray Recipe
Essential Oil Room Spray Recipe

Essential oil room spray has many benefits, apart from being a room fragrance essential oils can also bring calmness, fragrance and goodness into your home just by using essential oil fragrance sprays. Here is a brief review of the benefits of artificial fragrance spray with essential oils, including the following:

  1. Create a Personalized Atmosphere

Each essential oil has specific benefits based on the plant’s natural chemical makeup. By looking at the benefits of each oil, you can personalize which benefits you want from your room spray. You can even choose your favorite scent.

  1. Choose Your Favorite Essential Oil

There are various types of essential oils that you can choose from. Even you are also allowed to choose your favorite essential oil scent. As for some lists of oils that you can try such as

  • Soothing essential oils = Lavender, Cedarwood, Pine, Chamomile, Sandalwood, Peace & Calm, and Tranquility Blends
  • Oils to Increase Focus and Good Mood = Citrus, Ho Wood, Frankincense, Spruce Needle, Peppermint, and Focus Blend
  • Energizing Essential Oils such as Orange, Rosemary, Lemon, and Eucalyptus Blends.
  • Essential Oils to Maintain Health as they contain antimicrobials i.e. Lemon, Tea Tree, Clove, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Pine and other oils.
  1. Boost Your Immune System

You can also use essential oils to boost your immune system naturally and effectively.  Essential Oils to Boost Your Immune System are like Frankincense, Ho Wood, Lemon, and peppermint oils.

  1. Improves Health

In addition, the benefits of essential oil room spray are that it boosts your body in fighting various problems such as colds, sleep problems, digestive problems, various aches and pains, and many more.

How to Make an Essential Oil Room Spray Recipe

Besides knowing some of the benefits and types of essential oils that are usually used in making room spray. Here are some ingredients that you must prepare before making the essential oil room spray recipe, to make it easier and faster. Among them are as follows:

  1. A Spray bottle

The first item you should prepare to make an essential oil room spray recipe is to use a 2-ounce spray bottle. This is because a bottle of this size allows me to use the entire recipe within its shelf life and store it indoors without taking up much space. Using an amber or aluminum spray bottle will also help increase the shelf life of your spray.

  1. Isopropyl Alcohol

Since oils and water do not mix, it is important to use a solvent to help mix the essential oils into the water. While this ingredient is not required in the recipe, isopropyl alcohol (or any other strong alcohol) will help the scent last longer after spraying and increase the shelf life of the recipe.

  1. Choose essential oils

After that, you need to choose the essential oils that you like. You can choose several essential oils according to the benefits you are in need of, for example, for calming, choose Chamomille or Lavender oil, you can also choose refreshing essential oils such as oil while for antibacterial you can choose tea tree oil.

  1. Distilled water

In addition, you will also need water to help increase the shelf life of your spray, but if you don’t have any, you can use regular tap water can also help the process of making this essential oil room spray recipe.

How to Make Your Own Essential Oil Room Spray

After you know some of the equipment that you must prepare before making essential oil room spray recipes that smell good and last long in the room. Next, there are some easy procedures for making it, here are the complete steps, including:


  • 2 tbsp Distilled Water or clean water
  • 2 tablespoons Witch Hazel or Isopropyl Alcohol* (optional)
  • 15 drops of your favorite Essential Oil
  •  2 oz Spray Bottle

How to make it:

  • In the first step, you can simply add all the ingredients to the spray bottle and stir to combine.
  • Then, you can immediately try to test the scent tester. You can try to spray it all over the room. If it doesn’t feel like it, you can add a few more drops of essential oil to add a stronger scent.
  • The thing to remember is to use it you also need to shake it first before spraying in the room of your house.

Essential oils are very potent and not all essential oils are safe for everyone. Make sure to look at the safety precautions of each essential oil you use in the details section of its product page.

This is because there are some essential oils that are quite toxic to pets such as dogs and cats. Be careful before using room sprays around your pets. Even for the use of this essential oil, you should not mis-measure and exceed the dose. Because it can cause headaches, poisoning, and nausea and vomiting.


This essential oil room spray recipe is very beneficial for health and you can do it at your home. Even the procedure for making it is very easy. You can spray 2-3x a day to keep your home healthy and fresh. So, which essential oil scent do you like?

Read More : Earth Energy Sources: Biomass, Geothermal, Gas, Petroleum

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