Essential oils from Indonesia by Malang Agro Resources


Here's a Health Therapy from Essential Oils

Essential oils have many benefits as therapy for the health of the body. With the presence of essential oils, it gives hope for healing diseases in addition to medical treatment.

The use of essential oils as therapy brings many positive influences in the field of health, both mental and physical.

Discovery of Essential Oil

When the COVID-19 outbreak hit the whole world in 2019, for almost three years the world population experienced deep frustration.

Especially at that time, the vaccine was not yet available so people kept thinking about how to prevent the impact of the virus that entered from the respiratory tract. Until people realized, that the aromatherapy method had been an alternative treatment therapy.

Even though the essential oil itself has long been discovered and practiced by world scientists, one of whom is Ibn Sina or Avicenna. A Muslim medical expert who has published monumental works in the field of medicine and medicine.

How Essential Oil Works

This essential oil is a compound that is actually volatile just like volatile alcohol. What distinguishes it is the constituent compound elements derived from natural plant extracts.

When essential oil is inhaled by the sense of smell, it will flow to the brain system which responds favorably. The scent of natural plants affects human emotions, thoughts, and chemical balance. In addition, essential oils can be absorbed by the skin and flow into the circulatory system. That’s how short the Essential Oil therapy works.

Essential Oil Constituent Elements

Essential oil as a therapeutic treatment comes in the form of various constituents such as bark, fruits, flowers, and natural leaves that have herbal properties. Meanwhile Malang Agro, an Indonesian innovator, also focuses on developing essential oils in various variants.

Malang Agro’s Essential Oil products consist of various variants including Spearmint, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Lavender, Lemon, and many more.

Read here: Exporting 7 Variants Of  Essential Oil To Arizona, USA

Aromatherapy for Health Therapy

Based on the language review aroma means fragrant that comes from plants. While therapy is an effort to restore the health of people who are sick. So we conclude, that aromatherapy is an attempt to treat illness using volatile essential oils.

This time Malang Agro wants to discuss the use of Essential oils in the health sector. We do this to educate our loyal readers to try this alternative medicine.

Physical and Mental Therapy

Physical and mental health that is maintained will maintain a healthy mind. Because someone who is physically tired then his ability to think is decreasing. If it’s like this it’s good to rest and not do any activity.

Meanwhile, mentality is related to the mind that bears so much burden. Decreased physical ability will be accompanied by a person’s mental decline.

So this is where the role of aromatherapy as a body health therapy becomes very important. Because treating physical and mental fatigue cannot be done in a hospital. The body must immediately get enough rest by providing relaxation therapy with the aroma of essential oils.

Read here: Burnout Syndrome Makes Productivity Decline!

Fungal Infection Therapy

Essential oils are clinically proven to have anti-microbial properties that can treat fungal infections, especially in skin infections. Quickly droplets of essential oil will be absorbed by the skin and flow into the circulatory system.

You need to know that using essential oils that are not appropriate can also cause skin irritation. So a preventive measure is to store essential oils at normal room temperature without direct exposure to sunlight. Store essential oils in a safe place.

Therapy for Scratches and Burns

Essential oils also have anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties. There is a literacy that says using essential oils mixed with antibiotics is very effective for preventing skin infections and treating wounds.

Insomnia Therapy

The role of essential oils as a therapy for people who have difficulty sleeping is very widely known. what many people remember about essential oils is insomnia therapy rather than other therapies.

That’s because the reassuring aroma of essential oils can make it easier for people who have trouble sleeping to sleep regularly. If you experience insomnia, try using essential oils as aromatherapy for your body’s health.

Read here: How To Beat Insomnia? Do These 9 Habits!

Digestive Disorder Therapy

Essential oil therapy is proven to be able to overcome the problem of diseases related to the stomach and digestion. Experiencing flatulence is indeed uncomfortable,. By applying essential oils to the stomach can solve most of your stomach and digestive problems.

Especially toddlers most often experience flatulence, colds, and digestive problems. Many essential oils are available that are safe for toddlers without causing irritation to the skin.

Respiratory Distress Therapy

In people who experience respiratory problems using an essential oil diffuser is very helpful in overcoming respiratory problems such as coughing, flu, and other breathing disorders.

Keeping an essential oil diffuser is very useful when you have breathing problems at any time. Unlike a humidifier, an essential oil diffuser spreads essential oil powder evenly which can kill germs in the air. So the air is cleaner and more humid.

Is the diffuser safe for babies? It should not be used if there is a baby under one year old. Because at that time, the baby’s organs are still developing and need adaptation. It is feared that there will be side effects in the form of respiratory problems in your baby.


Essential oils that have been discovered for a long time as a method of alternative medicine therapy have helped humans very much so far. Its use is very easy and plants as constituents are also not difficult to find.

The existence of essential oil products helps users to store the benefits of these plants for a long time. Storage is also very easy and can be carried everywhere.

However, using essential oils remains proportional and not too excessive. Because everything when done in excess still has a negative effect.

Malang Agro has Inatropis which specifically produces essential oils that are safe for the body. With a strict production process and clinically tested, Inatropis is able to present quality and premium quality essential oil products. And trusted as a strategic partner to supply essential oils to various countries in the world.

Malang Agro

Inatropis Essential Oil

Premium Quality Aromatherapy

Jalan Villa Golf Indah 18 Tirtomoyo, Pakis, Malang Regency, East Java 65154, Indonesia

Mobile phone: +62 813 3455 5832


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