The fasting month has arrived! Those of you who are currently employees or students must know, tips to maintain focus on working or studying in the fasting month. Furthermore, fasting is not used as an excuse to work even harder. Your spirit should be doubled in this fasting month.
The moment of the fasting month is a moment to compete to give maximum effort by working and studying. For a Muslim, studying is the most important act of worship. With knowledge, we can also carry out mandatory worship correctly.
Maintain Focus On Work And Study
Doing these two activities, work and study both require considerable energy. meanwhile, that energy is obtained from the consumption of food and drink.
In the following, Malang Agro Resources will provide tips for those of you who are fasting so as not to run out of energy. So, the spirit of work and study remains the same and even more improved than before.
With the right preparation and strategy, you will be more productive even though you are fasting. What should you do to maintain your focus?
Don’t Forget Sahur

The first tip to maintain focus that you must do is Sahur. One of the virtues of fasting is doing Sahur. By starting the day with Sahur, can maintain your focus and provide enough energy until the time to break the fast.
Meanwhile, learning is a thinking activity that requires enough energy to get to the focus stage. It is not easy to maintain focus on studying under normal circumstances especially when you are fasting.
By not forgetting Sahur, the possibility of you experiencing dehydration will be minimized so that the physical support to do learning activities.
Get Enough Sleep

The next tip is to get enough rest with quality sleep. Quality sleep will rebalance brain function because after all the brain needs rest. A good night’s sleep can maintain your focus for a better tomorrow.
When fasting arrives sleep patterns change slightly. At night you will pray tarawih while you also have to wake up early to do Sahur. This is what you should pay attention to.
The problem that arises is that it is not that easy to get quality sleep. Even though everything has been done by not playing on phones before bed and turning off the room lights also cannot make you fall asleep.
Maybe you need a solution from Malang Agro Resources by conditioning the room as comfortable as possible with aromatherapy essential oils. With the scent of lavender flowers, it is proven to be effective in providing better sleep quality.
Read here: What Happens When Ignoring The Need For Rest?
Make a To-Do List After Tarawih
In order to maintain the next focus is to make a list of priority jobs or Things To Get Done, the benefits are enormous in managing time well. So there will be no time wasted.
Make a one-day agenda starting from the agenda before dawn until finishing the tarawih prayer again. Then evaluate what has been done and what has not been done. And for those that have not been done, make sure again when it will be completed.
Study 30 Minutes Before Sahur
Actually, the pattern of activity during fasting is very healthy, Malang Agro friend. Especially for those of you who are currently students, studying 30 minutes before dawn and 30 minutes after dawn is quite effective.
With an hour of study in the morning, the brain is more optimal for thinking because it has gotten enough sleep before. Moreover, sleep is accompanied by aromatherapy from essential oils. Quality sleep can maintain your focus after a day of activities.
By studying 30 minutes before dawn means you have done one agenda that you wrote down. Usually after successfully working on one agenda, the brain becomes more motivated and enthusiastic to work on other agendas.
And the opposite, if you start the day with failure, the brain responds habitually to subsequent failures. Keep maintaining your focus, Malang Agro friend.
Read here: Here’s Health Therapy From Essential Oils
Light Exercise

Light and regular exercise can maintain focus at work and concentration in learning. With exercise, the oxygen supply in the blood flows to the brain more smoothly. That’s what makes the brain able to work hard to solve problems.
In addition, exercise can spur the endorphin hormone which gives a sense of enthusiasm, passion, and happiness for people who do it. Perhaps the type of exercise during the fasting month can be adjusted to a light exercise model.
In the morning, start with a leisurely 30-minute walk. Then stretch and relax. For relaxation, it can be done in various ways. Using an essential oil diffuser is one of them.
Read a Book in the Afternoon Before Iftar
After working from morning to noon, you can fill the time by reading a book in the afternoon. For the book reference itself, it can be a fiction or non-fiction book. Then, fill the time by reading the Qur’an and its translation.
Reading books also has the virtue of maintaining your focus. Because books are an effective means for the brain to continue to be trained and gain new insights.
In addition, reading books during the fasting month is a relaxing activity that does not expend much energy. But the benefits are so great for your life and career.
People who read diligently are already one step ahead of people who are lazy to read. Instead of being lazy, read more books during the fasting month.
Time to Maintain Your Focus!
Thus the review of Malang Agro Resources about maintaining focus during the fasting month. Isn’t it hard to maintain focus at work? What is difficult is actually the will.
Malang Agro Resources would like to wish all Muslims who are fasting a happy fast. Our message is to maintain focus and be more enthusiastic at work.
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When do you use essential oil products from Malang Agro Resources? There are essential oil variants such as spearmint, lemongrass, Lavender, Rosemary, Magnolia, Lemon, and many more.
Malang Agro
Inatropis Essential Oil
Premium Quality Aromatherapy
Jalan Villa Golf Indah 18 Tirtomoyo, Pakis, Malang Regency, East Java 65154, Indonesia
Mobile phone: +62 813 3455 5832